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Die solid UNIT Seminarreihe 2024 findet mit freundlicher Unterstรผtzung von Becatur Beratungsgesellschaft fรผr nachhaltiges Bauen mbH und CEMEX Deutschland AG statt.

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So what exactly is ecoLocked Materials? Why is it relevant for my business? Is it safe? Where can I apply it to? If any of these questions have crossed your mind, come and join our webinar!

Stefanie Gerhart and Giorgio Ponte will showcase ecoLocked Materialsโ€™ many potential applications, and how easy it is to integrate it into concrete manufacturing processes. They will dive into scalability and quality consistency – and what all this has to do with carbon sinks.

And our guest speaker Marcel Huber, Managing Partner at SYNCRAFT, will discuss how their advanced technology ensures high-quality biochar productionโ€”the primary input for ecoLocked Materialsโ€”while generating green electricity and heat.

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